Sunday, March 21, 2010

Interview, apartment, st. patty's day, hockey game, and most importantly MY BURGER recipe!

Remember when you were a kid, and you were going to be an astronaut, or maybe the President, or own your own amusement park and submarine? That sense of adventure and possibility is still in you. ...You get one go at this life, let's most of it :)

LIFE LATELY :{Thanks Car for the title ; ) }
February 28
--Went to my aunt's for breakfast and a visit as my mom was in town. Made a comment jokingly, (actually playing off a previous joke), that my cousin Samantha should move with me. The next thing you know, we're at a perspective apartment that I had been viewing online. Well, this place is gorgeous and brand-spanking new! Samantha fell in love with it, and she hasn't wiped the smile off of her face since.

March 12
--Group interview for a 'building attendant' job at Campus Recreation -->touchy subject, let's not discuss this

March 14
--Went back to the apartment after a week of deliberations and looking at/creating budgets for the summer and school year.  This place is going to be WELL worth the hard work, sweat, and energy that'll be needed to enjoy it. We filled out the application.

March 16
--Went to see 'Beauty and the Beast' production at Centre in the Square with my mom. It was REALLY well done. One funny thing, and yes although I was in a bitter mood there was something funny. --In the second'm second 'act' lol. I turned to my mom, "Is it suppose to rain tonight?", answered with a funny wtf? face from mom. "I smell rain, it smells like it's raining." (keep in mind we are in the theatre and how on Earth would I smell this ) "Well, maybe it's raining in the dark scary forest" LMAO THENNN, not two minutes later, cue the scene where Gaston and the other villagers are marching to the castle IN  A THUNDERSTORM!!!!!!!!!!

March 17
--Happy 1 year Olivia aka 'Shelley'!    As IF she's a Windley with a St. Patrick's Day I still laugh
--We got our phone calls saying we are approved for the apartment!!!!!!! Weeeeeee! Samantha had already started creating lists of things we need, so really, there was no doubt we were moving there : P
     Jyoti--you can never be my secretary lol. *my phone rings, I don't recognize the number and I have had a 'few pops', so I decided, "Ummm, probably not a good idea to answer ..." Jyoti "Omg! Just answer it. Here I'll answer it!" -----welllllll turns out it was the lady from the apartment company telling me of the approval LMAO--happy I followed my instinct on that one!

March 18
--because of circumstance, I was invited to join my uncle Tim, cousins Samantha and James to go to the Toronto Maple Leafs game!!!!!!!!!  We went to 'Hoops' for dinner; a delicious one at that! Okay, this place was ridiculous. We enter the door and all I can see is T.V.s EVERYWHERE! Hell there was even one hanging from the ceiling facing towards the ground --I suppose that's for if you fall over drunk, you can STILL catch the game. Oh annnnnd it was totally a 'sausage fest' in there (I didn't mind lol). All these men who had just got off work apparently go there. Business men right to the construction workers from across the street. Needless to say, the waitresses must get great tips IF they can put up with the harassment of these guys.

The game was fun! Leafs vs. Devils. Though I had REALLY hoped Brodeur to play, at least we got to see Giguere in net for the Leafs. I really enjoyed being able to attend that game, and I really liked Jersey's lineup.
The very first game that I went to, and the last game I went to (same game) was with my dad as a birthday present for him--sooooo, initially I was feeling pretty bitter sweet about going to this game. In the end I realized, I will NEVER forget my first game, and there is no need to have that game be the only hockey game I attend. I LOVE HOCKEY! Funny enough, the game went as it did when I went for the first time. 1-1 making it head to OT. "Aww, fuck! Start the engine Samantha." is pretty much what I said. See the last time, as in the Leaf's usual OT play they had lost the last time. Wellllllll, HOLY MACANA! They actually won! annnd as I write this I can't pass over the fact that last night they also won in OT vs. Montreal!!! Effing ACE!

Speaking of last night....
March 20
--FIRST DAY OF SPRING!!!!!!!!!!!! And in the voice of Bobby Day
"He rocks in the tree top all day long
Hoppin' and a-boppin' and a-singing his song
All the little birds on Jaybird Street
Love to hear the robin go tweet tweet tweet"
  --Actually I have a lovely couple of Cardinals that have been hanging outside my window of which I don't mind lol "chirp.....chirp.....chirp"

Summer's Fabulously Amazing Burgers:
I made this recipe last night, and I DID eat one, and I didn't die = you can also make these
(please excuse the randomness of the order)

-about 7 cloves of garlic diced (it just became clear to me that I really don't know my culinary-food preparation terms---I suspect another item to add to the list of things to learn)

-      ~ 1 C. (maybe more) of red onion

-       1.5 tablespoon Parmano (it's a dry cheese blend: parmasean and romano)

-       ~5 pinches of crushed corrander     --buy it crushed, don't be like me and have to use a blender after trying to crush with  two spoons lol

- about a handful (small) of whole wheat crackers (crunch those buggers reallll good)

-        a dash of salt and  two-three of pepper

-      a dash or so of the below items:
                     basil, oregano, thyme, sesame seeds, rosemary, savory

-   2 teaspoon of hot sauce --I used my P.C. Authentic Style Louisiana  mmmm

-     2 teaspoons of soy sauce ---now I would have liked to use Worcestershire sauce, but I had to make-do

- 1 egg

- 2 pounds of ground beef

****Please cook your burger thoroughly or rather to your liking, as you will NOT be placing blame on me if you don't like it (get sick)
*** also, I suggest investing in the ol'skool tupperware burger patty container things --I really don't know what they are called, but my grandma gave me some from her house and I LOVE them--keeps the patties fresh and shaped beautifully!

March 19 (yes I know it isn't in order now)
--went to 'Call the Office' aka CTO to watch a friends (from work) band. They were GREAT!  Oh an dif you haven't been to CTO, you need to do so NOW. Well not actually right now, but stillllll. I highly recommend grabbing some chill friends and going to "Funk Night" which is Wednesdays....just say'n lol

March 22
--tomorrow I help save some more lives --donating blood for the third time!!!!

1 comment:

  1. it's "LIFE, [COMMA] LATELY"

    ..jeezzz, get it right or don't get it at all!
