Saturday, February 20, 2010

Books and Food --Late Night Musings....

Thanks to the Olympics my sleep schedule is out of wack! And so, here I am writing about the day, as I wait for my banana bread to finish cooking. On that note: I better go check it before I finish this.
It's okay, and not burning, YET. I still have lots of time.

So, today I slept in and it was fantastic! I mean, I didn't want to sleep in, but I was up until about 4am; again, thanks to the olympics, and then not being able to fall alseep. It was another gorgeous day out and I am getting more and more excited for Spring. Well, now that I say that, it can remain cold, just as long as the Sun stays out.
I know some of you will hate me for saying this, but I went 'tanning' again. I twas splendid! Okay, okay, I promise I won't go two days in a row again. Anyways.....
I then went to Masonville Mall again--carrying in tote, my good ol'handy 'granny-cart'. You know the kind; the big white wired box with two big wheels and two small wheels. Whenever I am pulling that damn thing, I see people look at me like....well...I don't know. But I KNOW they are just jealous that they don't have a sweet cart to carry their groceries in--they just use bags. Bags that are heavy and leave those pesky little red lines wrangled around your wrists. Ya I'm cool!

I decided tat I would go back to Coles and buy a book. Guess which one I decided on. Yuuuup, I got te golfing one. I TOLD YOU I'M ON A MISSION! lol For a whopping $5 I got Golf Annika's Way. I flipped through the pages more than once both yesterday and today. One of the sections/chapters I can't wait to get to is about the mental game on the course. In fact, as I reach for the book, I see the chapter is called 'On the Course -A Beautiful Mind Game'. I may as well let you know some of the other chapters. She starts with a bit about her own story, goes into the fundamentals of your swing, driving, irons, woods, wedge play, chip and pitch, bunker play, putting (I love putting! lol), and she finished the book with workout tips to help your game. I suppose you can tell, I am quite excited to read this. I plan on getting through the book on a 'work and reward' like system. I have a LOT of reading this term for my courses and so in order to not ignore those an dread my 'fun reading', I am gong to commit to reading a designated amount of school reading before I can go to my leisure reading.
On that note, I just wanted to explain why I decided to buy this book and another one (which I will get to). You may already know, but lately I have been trying to get back to being me. To how I once was, doing the things that I enjoy, like reading! I believe it is time to go back to the simple things that make me happy. It means getting away from the internet for entertainment. So that means spending more time outside. Spending more time in silence--and I mean quieting the mind.Spending more time doing the crafty things that I like to do. Maybe it means finally getting around to making some photo albums--I DON'T MEAN THE FACEBOOK KIND! I have so many pictures that I have wanted to print out for the longest time, but I have never gotten around to it.
So on my mission of be happier, I also indulged in buying a book that I KNOW will make me laugh at least a dozen times. What is that book you ask. The one and only ELLEN! She is hilarious and such an upbeat and positive person. As I type this, ET Canada mentions about Ellen's Covergirl promotions hahaha. And yes, she's beautiful too. Okay, so she's not like supermodel hottness, but I think it's the shining light that beams from her smile. So I don't know if this is her latest book but it was published in 2004. The title: Ellen Degeneres 'the funny thing is...' .
"We spend time reading the classics, studying them, discussing them, arguing their merits. And, it is all so serious. We need a bit of fun in our literary lives. the funny thing is... more than fills the bill. It is light-hearted. You will laugh out loud many times. You will have a darn good time, and it will take no more than an hour of your time if you just sit and read. I suggest you read it in bits and pieces and enjoy each chapter as a self-contained monologue."

I also went grocery shopping.It wasn't your usual, 'let's grab the basics'. Now, I was smart; I DID eat before I left--because you should know by now NOT to shop on an empty stomach AND I wrote a list in an attempt to not buy anything that didn't make the list. Although it wasn't the usual 'Super-Market Sweep' pace, I did feel like I was on that show because I failed at actually making my list make sense. Why would I list the items together where I know they can be found in the same isle, or at least the next isle over? I found myself steering away from ALL JUNK! I've been pretty good at that this year, as evidence in me losing/maintaining my weight,(coupled with regular workouts). Since I will be starting my two-a-days, I thought, okay that's great! Butttt, I also need to focus on not giving in to buying random items on campus, even simple items like a coffee. I plan on brewing my own coffee each morning and taking it with me in a 'roadie'; and if I don't take it, then I don't get my coffee kick for the day. I am so happy that my coffee maker has a timer--I CAN WAKE UP TO THE SMELL OF IT EACH MORNING! Note to self: set the coffee maker. lol

Since I am tired of making the same old meals usually consisting of chicken and a plethora of vegetables, I was on a mission to find items that will "Sparky-Up" my meals. I love getting creative with my cooking and although most people don't like spending a long time cooking, I like it! I find it relaxing.

Some other items I bought, which I am excited for include:
-Whole Wheat flour -I've decided to try baking with this opposed to your regular white flour I'll be sure to give you the verdict later (the banana bread was made with it)

-the good ol'basics of baking -sugar, baking soda, eggs, milk, butter, and let's not forget the chocolate chips!

-Quaker Oats -nothing like a little stick-to-the-ribs breakfast
-Tuna -you can't go wrong with a couple of cans
-pork chops -which I plan on putting in the slow cooker with LOADS of Sauerkraut mmm!
-chicken -of course I bought some
-OMG! So, I can't do the challenge of no pop for Lent. I gave in the other night. Ooops! I really like fizzy drinks way too much; I really have no idea why. I bought Diet Dr. Pepper....just so you know ;) lol
-whole wheat pitas,cream cheese and Parmano cheese so I can make my AWESOME Spinach
dip again
-mild chorizo pepperoni to make home-made pizza
-butter chicken sauce -no comment needed
-Basmati Rice (yes I enjoy it and eat it at other places, I've just never bought it, but I also got it on recommendation from a friend)--with the Butter chicken sauce mm!
-taziki! -I am determined to make my own delicious Schwarma --yes I know I don't have one of those really cool twirling meat spits lol
-Sweet potatoes! -I am gong to attempt to make sweet potato fries again--looked at a different way of cooking them
-broccoli -you can't go wrong with such a fabulously-green vegetable
-yummy sweet red peppers -mostly for any meals, but specifically for my spinach dip
-Braeburn apple, Sonya apple -two new kinds of apples I haven't tried before
-CARROTS! -to go with a roast beef in the slow cooker, along with some taters and onions
-Oranges -only two, but I haven't had one in wayyy too long
-pc blue menu Omega three cereal -it's pretty much granola with some berries etc.
-some Danon yogourt -to mix the cereal into
-and last but not least some HOT SAUCE! -I told you I am gong to try my own schwarma; crap! I didn't buy some pickled turnip lol haha

Well now you have a little insight on what I buy when I go grocery shopping, however; please keep in mind, I already have a crap load of veggies already in my fridge and so I didn't need to buy much today.
Do you have any "I swear to God this is amazing!" recipes? Let me know!

You can be sure that I will post another post tomorrow (rather today since it's almost 3am), as we have a highly anticipated hockey game to watch. Canada vs. USA. It is going to be ridiculously INTENSE, and I plan on enjoying a great dinner and possibly a few 'pops' while watching. Cheers! Cheers to you! Cheers to me! Cheers to being fucking awesome!GO CANADA GO!

The banana bread is alright. I have walnuts and chocolate chips in it, but I am not too sure how the whole wheat part of it will taste later (when it's not warm), but here's hoping it will be fine.
Good Night!
p.s. if you are reading this and have gone this far, you are awesome! Leave me a comment if you would like; either here of on facebook.
Do videnja
Au Revoir
Bis nĂ¥cha
Zai jian

Ya'll come back now ya hear!

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