Friday, April 2, 2010

So what IS a Lettuce Burger?

It's never a dull moment in the Windley household!

Once upon a time....
traveling home from someone's sporting event, the Windley's (well I'mnot too sure if Ryan was there) got McPukes for dinner. Now I don't remember what Ryan and Kyle would order, (or mom for that matter), but Bobby would get the McNugget kids meal, and I the cheeseburger kid meal. Then there's the infamous order of dad,--THE BIG MAC MEAL! Well, so there you have it, a Lettuce Burger is a Big Mac. .....did you really think I would stop there?

Now picture this; mom sets up dad's food by opening the BigMac box, to dump the fries in the top of the lid so that he can still drive and eat at the same time.

[Editors note: this occurred a lonnnng time ago, before driving and doing anything else was frowned upon].

Now have you ever tried to eat a BigMac with just one hand? It's nearly impossible! You NEED two hands! But not my dad; he was great at everything...right?! lol So as us kids chow down our food in a matter of minutes, we would look up to see dad still struggling with his.

"Oh for Fuck sakes!" grumble* grumble*
"This fucking thing just shit all over me. Fucking Lettuce Burger! That's all it is! A bunch of fucking LETTUCE! that I paid $5 for" ---and proceeds to throw it out of the moving vehicle.

[editors note2: I do not condone throwing food/garbage out of your window. And
Sorry to anyone who's windshield may have met a LB----j/k it was down some non-busy back-road ]

Now, this wasn't just a one-handed toss; it was a 'take hands off the wheel', hands under each half of the box, and across the chest in a sweeping movement, out the window toss, re-correct the car.

Laughter Ensues*
If you are not laughing, you suck. Us kids thought it was absolutely hysterical!
I (nor my family) will ever forget this. Not only because it was hilarious, but also because I remember it happening on at least one other occasion.
The thing is: Dad hated that we would have to resort to fastfood, especially McPukes, back in the day with all of use kids playing sports (or many sports). It wasn't just the nutrition issue, but the MONEY issue. Think about it, you go to fastfood joints and get a meal for $5, okay, well now it's like $8, and you think of exactly what you got for that amount of money.
And in the words of my dad, "Instead of spending over $40 on McD's, I could have made a nice Steak dinner for that. Such garbage!"

So, on his birthday, we "don't celebrate the birthday of dead people" (in the words of dad), we instead enjoy a disgusting Lettuce-Burrrrgerrrr, and remember how much of a great Dad he was, and how freaking hilarious he was. --thankfully our whole family has benefited from this and have acquired his humour.THANKS!

And if you've red this far --YOU'RE AWESOME! go treat yourself with a LB lol

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Interview, apartment, st. patty's day, hockey game, and most importantly MY BURGER recipe!

Remember when you were a kid, and you were going to be an astronaut, or maybe the President, or own your own amusement park and submarine? That sense of adventure and possibility is still in you. ...You get one go at this life, let's most of it :)

LIFE LATELY :{Thanks Car for the title ; ) }
February 28
--Went to my aunt's for breakfast and a visit as my mom was in town. Made a comment jokingly, (actually playing off a previous joke), that my cousin Samantha should move with me. The next thing you know, we're at a perspective apartment that I had been viewing online. Well, this place is gorgeous and brand-spanking new! Samantha fell in love with it, and she hasn't wiped the smile off of her face since.

March 12
--Group interview for a 'building attendant' job at Campus Recreation -->touchy subject, let's not discuss this

March 14
--Went back to the apartment after a week of deliberations and looking at/creating budgets for the summer and school year.  This place is going to be WELL worth the hard work, sweat, and energy that'll be needed to enjoy it. We filled out the application.

March 16
--Went to see 'Beauty and the Beast' production at Centre in the Square with my mom. It was REALLY well done. One funny thing, and yes although I was in a bitter mood there was something funny. --In the second'm second 'act' lol. I turned to my mom, "Is it suppose to rain tonight?", answered with a funny wtf? face from mom. "I smell rain, it smells like it's raining." (keep in mind we are in the theatre and how on Earth would I smell this ) "Well, maybe it's raining in the dark scary forest" LMAO THENNN, not two minutes later, cue the scene where Gaston and the other villagers are marching to the castle IN  A THUNDERSTORM!!!!!!!!!!

March 17
--Happy 1 year Olivia aka 'Shelley'!    As IF she's a Windley with a St. Patrick's Day I still laugh
--We got our phone calls saying we are approved for the apartment!!!!!!! Weeeeeee! Samantha had already started creating lists of things we need, so really, there was no doubt we were moving there : P
     Jyoti--you can never be my secretary lol. *my phone rings, I don't recognize the number and I have had a 'few pops', so I decided, "Ummm, probably not a good idea to answer ..." Jyoti "Omg! Just answer it. Here I'll answer it!" -----welllllll turns out it was the lady from the apartment company telling me of the approval LMAO--happy I followed my instinct on that one!

March 18
--because of circumstance, I was invited to join my uncle Tim, cousins Samantha and James to go to the Toronto Maple Leafs game!!!!!!!!!  We went to 'Hoops' for dinner; a delicious one at that! Okay, this place was ridiculous. We enter the door and all I can see is T.V.s EVERYWHERE! Hell there was even one hanging from the ceiling facing towards the ground --I suppose that's for if you fall over drunk, you can STILL catch the game. Oh annnnnd it was totally a 'sausage fest' in there (I didn't mind lol). All these men who had just got off work apparently go there. Business men right to the construction workers from across the street. Needless to say, the waitresses must get great tips IF they can put up with the harassment of these guys.

The game was fun! Leafs vs. Devils. Though I had REALLY hoped Brodeur to play, at least we got to see Giguere in net for the Leafs. I really enjoyed being able to attend that game, and I really liked Jersey's lineup.
The very first game that I went to, and the last game I went to (same game) was with my dad as a birthday present for him--sooooo, initially I was feeling pretty bitter sweet about going to this game. In the end I realized, I will NEVER forget my first game, and there is no need to have that game be the only hockey game I attend. I LOVE HOCKEY! Funny enough, the game went as it did when I went for the first time. 1-1 making it head to OT. "Aww, fuck! Start the engine Samantha." is pretty much what I said. See the last time, as in the Leaf's usual OT play they had lost the last time. Wellllllll, HOLY MACANA! They actually won! annnd as I write this I can't pass over the fact that last night they also won in OT vs. Montreal!!! Effing ACE!

Speaking of last night....
March 20
--FIRST DAY OF SPRING!!!!!!!!!!!! And in the voice of Bobby Day
"He rocks in the tree top all day long
Hoppin' and a-boppin' and a-singing his song
All the little birds on Jaybird Street
Love to hear the robin go tweet tweet tweet"
  --Actually I have a lovely couple of Cardinals that have been hanging outside my window of which I don't mind lol "chirp.....chirp.....chirp"

Summer's Fabulously Amazing Burgers:
I made this recipe last night, and I DID eat one, and I didn't die = you can also make these
(please excuse the randomness of the order)

-about 7 cloves of garlic diced (it just became clear to me that I really don't know my culinary-food preparation terms---I suspect another item to add to the list of things to learn)

-      ~ 1 C. (maybe more) of red onion

-       1.5 tablespoon Parmano (it's a dry cheese blend: parmasean and romano)

-       ~5 pinches of crushed corrander     --buy it crushed, don't be like me and have to use a blender after trying to crush with  two spoons lol

- about a handful (small) of whole wheat crackers (crunch those buggers reallll good)

-        a dash of salt and  two-three of pepper

-      a dash or so of the below items:
                     basil, oregano, thyme, sesame seeds, rosemary, savory

-   2 teaspoon of hot sauce --I used my P.C. Authentic Style Louisiana  mmmm

-     2 teaspoons of soy sauce ---now I would have liked to use Worcestershire sauce, but I had to make-do

- 1 egg

- 2 pounds of ground beef

****Please cook your burger thoroughly or rather to your liking, as you will NOT be placing blame on me if you don't like it (get sick)
*** also, I suggest investing in the ol'skool tupperware burger patty container things --I really don't know what they are called, but my grandma gave me some from her house and I LOVE them--keeps the patties fresh and shaped beautifully!

March 19 (yes I know it isn't in order now)
--went to 'Call the Office' aka CTO to watch a friends (from work) band. They were GREAT!  Oh an dif you haven't been to CTO, you need to do so NOW. Well not actually right now, but stillllll. I highly recommend grabbing some chill friends and going to "Funk Night" which is Wednesdays....just say'n lol

March 22
--tomorrow I help save some more lives --donating blood for the third time!!!!

Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Finding the perfect plethora of vegetables

Okay, so this may or may not be me procrastinating--but I feel the need to write anyways--which ironically I should be doing for something else.
And YES, I said I would write a blog about the Gold Medal Winning Olympic hockey but,....well, since I JUST was able to get the pictures off my camera, that TOO will be coming (this weekend I suppose).
I have decided I love cooking. I mean, I've always told friends, family, etc. that I love cooking, but today I really felt it. lol. Weird? yuuup! Though I love cooking, I'm no Julia Child.

So, what was I able to give birth to? Well I'll tell you. Oh and note: I swear I made enough for an ARMY! Well here's to some saaaa-weet eating for the next couple of days.
First up:
Basmati rice
-may I just say, that I dislike (not hate) the fact that you have to a) rinse it and then b) soak it for 30mintues before cooking --but I guess like they say, "all good things take time"

What veggies? I hear you ask.
The concoction includes, but is not limited to:
-red pepper----I had one of those mutants that had another pepper inside, it was cool! 
-green onion
*I stupidly forgot a little bit of fresh garlic argh!
* put zucchini in a pan with a little bit of olive oil (they take the longest to soften), add the rest of the vegetables, add a cup of water, cover with a lid for a few minutes, remove lid to let water evaporate (pretty much a stir-fry)

and nowwww, (in area announcer-like booming voice)
THE MEAT! {meat meat meat woooo! lol shout-out to Dei-X }
Chicken --chopped into bite-size pieces and cooked stovetop

In one corner we have:
Jamaican jerk style
-after cooked to a safe temperature, put in bowl to mix
-add Jamaican jerk spice (so very tasty, the burning your mouth tasty!)
-add a little more "BAM!" (yes Bam! like Emeril Lagasse), by throwing in some Louisiana style HOT SAUCE
- a dallop of bbq sauce
-mix'er all up
-throw in the over on a meat rack over a cookie sheet, as to not lose any chicken OR have it burn to the pan
= delicious!

In the OTHER corner!
Butter chicken
-Yup, just add some butter-chicken sauce into the pan of chicken!
=also delicious

Man! Trying to decide what chicken I was going to have tonight was painful. lol. My roommate said, "why don't you just have both?" That's just ridiculous! Well not a ridiculous question, but the thought of mixing was! They are both AMAZING flavours!

DING DING DING! Let the round begin!
*throw desired amount of rice in a bowl, add the chicken most desired, and top with the veggies.
-yes you could use a plate, but I prefer a bowl -->it's less messier that way ; )
And as Goldilocks once said, "Ahhh, this porridge is just right," as she sat down and ate it all up.

FYI: I decided on the butter-chicken!

FYI #2: I am for hire!  haha ---but seriously, I also do childcare, Spring cleaning, and garden work

Friday, February 26, 2010

A Note from This time Last Year

So it’s DONE!
I did it, I finally did it! I can’t believe the day has come(why this date? See below)
I have been planning on getting this tattoo for well over a year now. So many people have had their different opinion on it, good, bad, undecided, but mostly a lot of criticism. People did not understand why I wanted a tattoo in the first place. I had explained that I have wanted one for probably the last 10 years; yes I was young. I made sure that it wasn’t just a ‘phase’ that I would grow out of eventually. I waited to make sure of the design I wanted. I waited, waited, waited some more. Originally I wanted a symbol of a Maple leaf with a lacrosse stick and hockey stick crossing; patriotic I Eventually the desire to have such a tattoo began to fade.

Some of you may know that just 5 years ago this month my close cousin killed himself; it was horrible. He wasn’t just a cousin that I would see once a year (like most families), NO! We were basically siblings; we were born three weeks apart. Our family is very well bonded and close-knit —we did EVERYTHING together! Anyways, point is that for the next couple of years I was pretty sad. I mean, I wasn’t ‘emo’ and completely depressed or anything. But, it is because of this tragedy that I became a bigger and better person. It made me realize that life is short and that nothing goes as planned. Although I have been raised to know this, coming from a large family with three brother, plans usually don’t go as hoped, but you need to be able to cope, adjust, and move on. My parents did an AMAZING job juggling all of our activities, from basketball, baseball, to lacrosse and hockey, to many other after-school activities.

On that note: I guess another reason that this adventure came to fruition (is that the word I want?) is the simple and yet not so simple lesson I learned from my dad, especially in the last few months before he died January 17th 2009. Do what makes you happy! I encourage everyone to think about this. What are you waiting for? For how long are you gong to wait? When will it be the best time? Can I afford it right now? How will I know I can afford this later? Ask yourself these questions. As my motto goes, “Live for today, for’ tomorrow is not guaranteed to anyone.”
From the point of being able to afford ‘things’ it brings me to an event that happened, of which wouldn’t have happened if I talked and thought about it but didn’t jump at the opportunity. THE RETURN OF THE SPICE GIRLS TOUR. Enough said really, but I shall continue…

My first year at The University of Western Ontario in London Ontario Canada, was a change-around. I once was the kid who got involved with EVERYTHING, then it kind of stopped for about 2 years. Anyways, here I met a guy named David Anderson—my Don (R.A.) ‘of the universe’. He encouraged me a lot to get involved with events going on around residence (Essex Hall), to make things short, he even helped me to decide to become a R.A. myself. AMAZING choice! Just another example of deciding to ‘go with it’ to ‘take a chance’; and so it seems was beneficial.

Last year, my second year, I was a Residence Advisor in Delaware Hall—a place I never thought could compare to Essex. Boy was I wrong. Again, to cut things short (cause this is already long enough...) I met some amazing people, including the rest of staff, my floor residents, and many other residents in the building. So what is the connection to Spice Girls you ask…. It is because of the friendship that I made with Tracy Wong, that I was given the pleasure of being asked to go to THE FINAL CONCERT!!!! Myself and my cousin, Tracy and her friend all went down to Toronto —simply put, it was unreal! It was my very first concert EVER!
ROTSG February 26, 2008 (so today’s date is my Spice-iversary!)

I just mayyyy have tear’d up a bit when they started singing…la la la, la la, la la la …you get the point. Why was I so overcome with joy? Immediately I thought of how much happiness was endured because of the whole world domination by the Spice Girls. I remember that my very first CD was a BackStreetBoys, butttt then I got my SpiceWorld CD. It was at the time of those things that my life was encompassed by GIRL POWER! At this time I was playing hockey, lacrosse and baseball on boys teams—which don’t get me wrong, was fun, but tough; it was hard trying to fit in sometimes, but it was also really rewarding when I would surprise my teammates or more importantly, the teams we were playing against that YES a girl can play (better than most of the guys).

So what? Well it was ‘Sporty Spice’ that was an idol at that time. It was someone who promoted sports, and more importantly, about kicking ass. Boy’s ass’s!!! So I guess this is when I began to absolutely adore this ‘character’. Later in life I analyzed more of what it was to being a Spice Girl. What they were told to do, how to act, and yet be themselves. With the fall of the group came the rise of ‘Sportys’ (Melanie C) solo career. One of her debut hits as a solo artist was her duet with Bryan Adams (When You’re Gone), and followed by her first album NORTHERN STAR. { I encourage all to have a listen to her albums all four of course. } Anyways…have a listen especially to the album titled song. This song can be interpreted in MANY ways…I like to think of it as a message of inspiration. A message to remind you not to listen to what everyone else has to say; live YOUR life, don’t live someone else’s.

I have learnt my lesson well.
The truth is out there I can tell.
Don't look back and don't succumb to their lies and goodbyes.
Live your life without regret.
Don't be someone who they forget.
When you're lost reach out for me.
And you'll see she's not far.
Northern Star.
Northern Star.

And soooo, the tattoo.
Yes it is a replica of Melanie’s BUT it is not simply because I idolize her. It’s not because she is the most intimate artist with her fans—she even stopped for a group picture and autograph when she came here to London’s Music Hall.It’s not just because I appreciate her incredible work or her ability to be absolutely truthful about her past (which is very commendable), but rather because of all of the connections to it. I KNOW that this note will not serve enough justice to why I got a tattoo, or why I got the one that I did. But I hope this gives you a little more insight and hopefully you won’t judge someone else for getting a tattoo. A person doesn’t decide to mark their skin for life without a good reason. They may just say ‘oh just because..’, inside you know they have a reason. A sign in the shop that I found interesting was: “a tattooed person has never commented on those who haven’t got any”—meaning, why should you judge someone with ink? They most certainly are not commenting on you for NOT having one.

P.S. I really wanted to go into the meaning of the star symbol, and more specifically the 'northern star' and it's traditional meanings and it's geographical meanings (YAY Geography!)
Rest In Peace:
Dad April 2, 1956-January 17th 2009
Mickey April ####-August 2008
Poppa Dec ####-August 12 2007
Trevor May 29, 1986-February 5, 2004

Thursday, February 25, 2010

Is the Pope Catholic? I even Canadian?

I'm writing this today because last night I was too tired.
Yesterday a friend of mine asked, "Are you watching the game tonight?", to which I replied, "Is the Pope Catholic?"--which was returned with " Jewish"
Canada vs. Russia--not exactly a David vs. Goliath battle but equally important game in hockey history (or so they say); the rivalry between these teams is unprecedented!
Yes, this game was 'the game of all games' to watch in this Olympic tournament. With Russia having arguably the best hockey player in the world in Ovechkin, and Canada's young "Sid-the-kid", it was sure to be a great game.
But where was I?
Well, here's where I say again, the Pope may not be Catholic and I may not be Canadian.
If you know me at all, or if you only know me a bit, you KNOW that I am a die-hard Canadian athlete/fan.Though ashamed of some things of Canadian history, and although I desire to live somewhere else (for a short time), overall I am VERY proud to be Canadian and I wouldn't want to live anywhere else. I'm not going to discuss this to the full-extent, because; like I said, you should know why I love Canada.
So what's my point?
Last night I took the unorthodox?! decision, to miss the hockey game. Okay, so actually, I thought I would at least make it home in time to catch the last period.  Instead I found myself on campus at Univeristy College in the Conron Hall. I, with a jam-packed room of people who also made the sacrifice even with fear of being harassed for not watching the game, were viewing a documentary called, 'Kanehsatake: 270 Years of Resistance' --by Alanis Obomsawin
This film, chronicling the 1990 Oka Crisis was incredible to view. Even more incredible to have Miss. Obomsawin present. The film documents the 1990 crisis when Native Americans of the Mohawk Nation blocked access to reserve land which was being appropriated against their will by the White community of Oka, Quebec, Canada. What this film shows is the initial incident and the resulting siege from the Mohawks point of view as an illustration how this is simply a result of resistance to 270 years of European racism pushing them around and leading up to this confrontation.
To know that this war was created with $155 million of federal spending is alarming. It is undoubtedly an event of high importance in Canadian history and that of Aboriginal history--one that has not ended.

Going into this viewing I was aware of (what I thought, was a great deal) about the Oka Crisis. Boy, was I wrong! I can't even express what it was like to watch 'inside' film-footage of the events that occurred. The honour, courage, the brutality, the breaking of human right's laws, and limited access to life's necessities.
I encourage you to check out this film, or bits and pieces of it that you can find. It was definitely an eye-opener to the 'behind the scenes' issues that happened and are still happening.

So, am I a bad Canadian for missing the 'history-making' hockey game? HELLLL NO!
Instead of watching this "history in the making", I decided to look more skeptically at an issue of our history that is NOW. I can watch a hockey game any day of the week and it TOO will be history. I think the current social issues (and other fields of study) are much more important than a hockey game.

So, in conclusion, (lol) I do not regret missing the hockey game for something I feel more passionate about. And YES I just said that. Yes, my nation of Canada, as a united people is more important to me than some quarter-final competition. ......well at least today (yesterday)
Again, I invite any discussion of this post either here, facebook, or even more welcoming face-to-face.

Sun shining always,

Wednesday, February 24, 2010

A Love Letter------Kandee Johnson

Are you ready?

to jump into life?

to shake things up and make thing happen?

Do you know how many people are wasting their time right now?

Do you know how many people are whining and complaining this very second?

Do you know how many people are getting a kick out of bringing other people down right now, making you feel like whatever you are thinking is dumb?

The world may not cheer you on and tell you, "you can do it! Keep going darlin'!"....

You can do it! I know you can!

I don't care if you are not where you want to be in life yet...
you may live where you the car you want...have the career you want...

Do you realize how precious the gifts you have are...the gifts and talents that you are still discovering...

Do you realize how important you are to someone, and how important you are going to be?!?

You don't need to DO anything to be important, special, or already are, with your one-of-a-kind, heart and mind!

You don't NEED to do anything to feel good about yourself....or do anything to deserve happiness...happiness is waiting for you to release it, right there waiting in your heart!

Stop waiting for a certain event or something, or someone to happen to
love and appreciate who -you- are.

YOU are great - today and always!

Just be great today! Live, lovely today...tomorrow can wait for tomorrow.

Realize how great you are! How amazing, talented, how filled with love you are!

Your best days are just waiting for you! They really are!

Live with excitement, that if you're not where you want to be, thank God, that life keeps moving forward, and sometimes if it looks like we're going backwards-

it's only because God is pulling the catapult that we will launch even faster towards where we are supposed to be!

I love are great and amazing....and today we will live it amazingly!

Smile more, tell people have a great day more, think about your future and your dreams...and imagine me giving you a huge hug and saying...."you can do it! you are awesome!!!!"

Big smile and huge love, kandeA

Saturday, February 20, 2010

Books and Food --Late Night Musings....

Thanks to the Olympics my sleep schedule is out of wack! And so, here I am writing about the day, as I wait for my banana bread to finish cooking. On that note: I better go check it before I finish this.
It's okay, and not burning, YET. I still have lots of time.

So, today I slept in and it was fantastic! I mean, I didn't want to sleep in, but I was up until about 4am; again, thanks to the olympics, and then not being able to fall alseep. It was another gorgeous day out and I am getting more and more excited for Spring. Well, now that I say that, it can remain cold, just as long as the Sun stays out.
I know some of you will hate me for saying this, but I went 'tanning' again. I twas splendid! Okay, okay, I promise I won't go two days in a row again. Anyways.....
I then went to Masonville Mall again--carrying in tote, my good ol'handy 'granny-cart'. You know the kind; the big white wired box with two big wheels and two small wheels. Whenever I am pulling that damn thing, I see people look at me like....well...I don't know. But I KNOW they are just jealous that they don't have a sweet cart to carry their groceries in--they just use bags. Bags that are heavy and leave those pesky little red lines wrangled around your wrists. Ya I'm cool!

I decided tat I would go back to Coles and buy a book. Guess which one I decided on. Yuuuup, I got te golfing one. I TOLD YOU I'M ON A MISSION! lol For a whopping $5 I got Golf Annika's Way. I flipped through the pages more than once both yesterday and today. One of the sections/chapters I can't wait to get to is about the mental game on the course. In fact, as I reach for the book, I see the chapter is called 'On the Course -A Beautiful Mind Game'. I may as well let you know some of the other chapters. She starts with a bit about her own story, goes into the fundamentals of your swing, driving, irons, woods, wedge play, chip and pitch, bunker play, putting (I love putting! lol), and she finished the book with workout tips to help your game. I suppose you can tell, I am quite excited to read this. I plan on getting through the book on a 'work and reward' like system. I have a LOT of reading this term for my courses and so in order to not ignore those an dread my 'fun reading', I am gong to commit to reading a designated amount of school reading before I can go to my leisure reading.
On that note, I just wanted to explain why I decided to buy this book and another one (which I will get to). You may already know, but lately I have been trying to get back to being me. To how I once was, doing the things that I enjoy, like reading! I believe it is time to go back to the simple things that make me happy. It means getting away from the internet for entertainment. So that means spending more time outside. Spending more time in silence--and I mean quieting the mind.Spending more time doing the crafty things that I like to do. Maybe it means finally getting around to making some photo albums--I DON'T MEAN THE FACEBOOK KIND! I have so many pictures that I have wanted to print out for the longest time, but I have never gotten around to it.
So on my mission of be happier, I also indulged in buying a book that I KNOW will make me laugh at least a dozen times. What is that book you ask. The one and only ELLEN! She is hilarious and such an upbeat and positive person. As I type this, ET Canada mentions about Ellen's Covergirl promotions hahaha. And yes, she's beautiful too. Okay, so she's not like supermodel hottness, but I think it's the shining light that beams from her smile. So I don't know if this is her latest book but it was published in 2004. The title: Ellen Degeneres 'the funny thing is...' .
"We spend time reading the classics, studying them, discussing them, arguing their merits. And, it is all so serious. We need a bit of fun in our literary lives. the funny thing is... more than fills the bill. It is light-hearted. You will laugh out loud many times. You will have a darn good time, and it will take no more than an hour of your time if you just sit and read. I suggest you read it in bits and pieces and enjoy each chapter as a self-contained monologue."

I also went grocery shopping.It wasn't your usual, 'let's grab the basics'. Now, I was smart; I DID eat before I left--because you should know by now NOT to shop on an empty stomach AND I wrote a list in an attempt to not buy anything that didn't make the list. Although it wasn't the usual 'Super-Market Sweep' pace, I did feel like I was on that show because I failed at actually making my list make sense. Why would I list the items together where I know they can be found in the same isle, or at least the next isle over? I found myself steering away from ALL JUNK! I've been pretty good at that this year, as evidence in me losing/maintaining my weight,(coupled with regular workouts). Since I will be starting my two-a-days, I thought, okay that's great! Butttt, I also need to focus on not giving in to buying random items on campus, even simple items like a coffee. I plan on brewing my own coffee each morning and taking it with me in a 'roadie'; and if I don't take it, then I don't get my coffee kick for the day. I am so happy that my coffee maker has a timer--I CAN WAKE UP TO THE SMELL OF IT EACH MORNING! Note to self: set the coffee maker. lol

Since I am tired of making the same old meals usually consisting of chicken and a plethora of vegetables, I was on a mission to find items that will "Sparky-Up" my meals. I love getting creative with my cooking and although most people don't like spending a long time cooking, I like it! I find it relaxing.

Some other items I bought, which I am excited for include:
-Whole Wheat flour -I've decided to try baking with this opposed to your regular white flour I'll be sure to give you the verdict later (the banana bread was made with it)

-the good ol'basics of baking -sugar, baking soda, eggs, milk, butter, and let's not forget the chocolate chips!

-Quaker Oats -nothing like a little stick-to-the-ribs breakfast
-Tuna -you can't go wrong with a couple of cans
-pork chops -which I plan on putting in the slow cooker with LOADS of Sauerkraut mmm!
-chicken -of course I bought some
-OMG! So, I can't do the challenge of no pop for Lent. I gave in the other night. Ooops! I really like fizzy drinks way too much; I really have no idea why. I bought Diet Dr. Pepper....just so you know ;) lol
-whole wheat pitas,cream cheese and Parmano cheese so I can make my AWESOME Spinach
dip again
-mild chorizo pepperoni to make home-made pizza
-butter chicken sauce -no comment needed
-Basmati Rice (yes I enjoy it and eat it at other places, I've just never bought it, but I also got it on recommendation from a friend)--with the Butter chicken sauce mm!
-taziki! -I am determined to make my own delicious Schwarma --yes I know I don't have one of those really cool twirling meat spits lol
-Sweet potatoes! -I am gong to attempt to make sweet potato fries again--looked at a different way of cooking them
-broccoli -you can't go wrong with such a fabulously-green vegetable
-yummy sweet red peppers -mostly for any meals, but specifically for my spinach dip
-Braeburn apple, Sonya apple -two new kinds of apples I haven't tried before
-CARROTS! -to go with a roast beef in the slow cooker, along with some taters and onions
-Oranges -only two, but I haven't had one in wayyy too long
-pc blue menu Omega three cereal -it's pretty much granola with some berries etc.
-some Danon yogourt -to mix the cereal into
-and last but not least some HOT SAUCE! -I told you I am gong to try my own schwarma; crap! I didn't buy some pickled turnip lol haha

Well now you have a little insight on what I buy when I go grocery shopping, however; please keep in mind, I already have a crap load of veggies already in my fridge and so I didn't need to buy much today.
Do you have any "I swear to God this is amazing!" recipes? Let me know!

You can be sure that I will post another post tomorrow (rather today since it's almost 3am), as we have a highly anticipated hockey game to watch. Canada vs. USA. It is going to be ridiculously INTENSE, and I plan on enjoying a great dinner and possibly a few 'pops' while watching. Cheers! Cheers to you! Cheers to me! Cheers to being fucking awesome!GO CANADA GO!

The banana bread is alright. I have walnuts and chocolate chips in it, but I am not too sure how the whole wheat part of it will taste later (when it's not warm), but here's hoping it will be fine.
Good Night!
p.s. if you are reading this and have gone this far, you are awesome! Leave me a comment if you would like; either here of on facebook.
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Au Revoir
Bis nĂ¥cha
Zai jian

Ya'll come back now ya hear!